Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dizuni's Status Reporto: 09-30-2008

So far, classes have been going okay. Yesterday in Web Comics class, my professor liked my only statement for my Journal web comic and it was well received in class when I presented it. It gave me some confidence that this will be a good thing. Essentially the Journal web comic will be essentially what this website is for me, in web comic form…and updated regularly ^^;; Here’s the statement.

WHAT I’m the only web comic creator
HOW that consistently produces journal comics about my life in art school
WHO for those who wished they could have gone to one
WHERE in English speaking countries
WHY in order to explore the issues, experiences and lifestyles of art students through my eyes
WHEN in a time when people are asking themselves, “What if?”

We’ll be learning how to use Dreamweaver CS3 and pretty soon, my web comics will be up for all of you to enjoy.

As for Senior Project, I’ve gotten a few scenes keyframed already and Scene 11 is completely keyframed and tweened. I’m not as far along as I had hoped, but I’ve got buffer days to help with the down time. I’ll be picking up the pace so I don’t fall behind.

In Acting for Animators, I’ve recently met up with my voice actress to record my monologue selection to use for my voice over animation. I used the line, “It is like trying to pick a lock with a wet herring.” from Shakespeare in Love. Near the end of the quarter, I’ll have that animation completed since that’s one of the major projects for that class. I also have to perform my selected monologue piece myself, so we’ve been thumbnailing movements for our performances as well. I’m kind of nervous about it, because I’d have to perform lines, which isn’t something I like to do. I rather just do my acting through my animations, not me personally, heh.

Other than that, that’s what has been up with me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fall QTR 2008

So classes for Fall Quarter have begun this past Monday. My break in between summer and fall quarter was good, but horribly short. As for my Concept and Senior for Sequential Classes...I did pretty well in them, so I'm glad about that. Currently I'm taking Senior Animation Project I, Acting for Animators and Online Comics this quarter. It's a heavy load compared to what I've done in the past, but I gotta stay strong to survive. It's also kinda odd seeing so many people again in classes, since Summer quarter was so empty.

In a stroke of bad luck, the first day of Acting class, my professor accidentally stepped on my glasses. So now I'm here not able to see further than 4 to 5 feet away from me. Wonderful. Other than that, classes have started off pretty well. I just have a lot of work ahead of me.

So, in order to make up for the lack of pretty pictures, here's a bunch of stuff! Enjoy!

A fanart of Tony Taka's Shining Wind Series. This is Elwing.

Some random bad boy sketch I did near the beginning of summer.

Was at Romano's and I usually like to draw stuff on the tables heh.

I'll get more stuff up very soon, so stay tuned!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I was helping some friends the other day build their brand new book shelves and found this multi colored styrofoam cube in the boxes. Thought I would give it some personality.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Late Night Scribblez

Thought you would enjoy some mindless thoughts of mine scribbled onto paper late last night while I was working on stuff.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer QTR Week 8

I've got three more weeks til Summer Quarter is over, and lots of work ahead of me. In Concept Development, I've completed thumbnail roughs of my general storyline for class. I've also worked out my Character Designs for it as well. I've been contemplating on whether to upload the thumbnails now or not. Mostly because I may use this site as my final turn in for class, because we are to create a site to display everything we have done in class. I'm going to create clear labels for each assignment when I do get the green light to use this site. As for what needs to be done now, this Thursday will be when I have to pretty much complete my Storyboards and Character Turnarounds for a Pitch to be presented in class.

In Senior Project, I still need to get a lot done. I'll leave it at that.

There's still so much I need to get in order, and I need to pull together soon. On the bright side, I feel that I've been getting better in terms of skill. A friend told me that some of my choices in shots have been really good for someone who has not been trained much in that kind of thought process. My figures and my drawings are much more confident now, as I've been going to Friday afternoon Life Drawing Sessions for the past 3 weeks. They've been a valuable resource that I should have made use of earlier in my SCAD career...but hey, better late than never.

Hopefully the next post will have some artwork for you all to see, til then see ya.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Concept Development Class 11: Midterm

So earlier today, I had my Midterm for my Concept Development for Animation class. We had to completely storyboard the classic Tortoise and the Hare story in two hours. It's designed to show us that we are capable of creating a storyboard sequence in such a short amount of time. It also shows us the surface level knowledge we have because we were forced to draw quickly to meet a deadline, so we resort to things we definitely know how to draw. We also needed to take from it the concept of setting deadlines for ourselves and actually achieving it. Why were we able to get our midterm finished? Fear of the Deadline? Random Subject? Whatever it was, we have to try and apply that to our regular routine so that we are able to keep a good work ethic in our artwork.

I somehow, actually enjoyed working on this. Even with the pressure on to finish within 2 hours. I never knew 2 hours could go by so quickly, but it was fun. I had to constantly edit myself so I could make the deadline and at least tell a complete story. There were more boards I wanted to add and details here and there, but I had to work fast...so obviously there will be mistakes. So without further a due, here's my Midterm in all its hastily drawn glory.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Catching up and Summer Quarter...

So it's been almost a Month since last post, sorry about that. Lately just been enjoying my brief bittersweet summer break. Today is the first day of Summer Quarter for me, so expect more posts in the future. I'll include my final for my Maquette class last quarter since I never got around to that a little later.

Anyways, here's my new schedule.

Mondays/Wednesdays 2pm-4:30pm : Sequential Senior Project
Tuesdays/Thursdays 11am-1:30pm : Concept Development for Animation Projects

Monday, May 26, 2008

YEEAA...2 Down, 1 to go.

So at the end of my Animation II class today, I managed to finish my Final for that. So maybe like about 6 hours total was how long I spent working on this piece. I kinda like it. Hope you like, gotta get to work on that maquette!

Progress since about 2 hours ago...

I used my Hypa Punch animation and continued it for my Final in Animation II. I'm doing a guy who does a martial arts combo. He steps forward during his combo and it reveals his opponent who is standing casually. The guy stops his combination just before hitting the opponent, who then suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots the martial arts dude. Yeah morbid, but it's funny in my head.

So since last update...which is about 2 hours or so, I managed to get maybe...45% of it done? I have the Hypa Punch, followed by a kick, punch, then 3 quickfire punches. I may add more because I think there may be a certain time requirement, I'm not sure. Otherwise, I think I could seriously finish by today....yay :D

My 3D Rig class starts in 5 mins :3

4 days Left...3 days of Actual Work time >.<

I find myself sitting here at Monty, completing another all nighter working on Finals. I've just finished all of my work for my 3D Rigging Class in this one night session. There's a lot of things I could do better with this, it's just that I had to sacrifice time on this for my maquette. Over the weekend I primarily worked on my Maquette. Currently it's got a completed armature and I've stuck it on the base and added foil for bulking. I managed to cut my hands up a little and they also hurt from bending and smashing foil onto the piece.

So at the moment, all I have left to do is complete my Animation II Final by Wednesday and work on my Maquette that's due on Thursday. My 3D Rigging class starts in like 2 hours and 15 mins, so there isn't a point to return home. I'm going to start work on my Animation II final and I hope I can actually finish all of it by today so I can use 2 good days to work on my Maquette.

Here's my 3D Rigging Final.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Spring 2008 Finals Weekend: Update 1

For my Animation II class on Wednesday, we worked on our last in class exercise...which was also conveniently enough was to animate a punch. He was stressing how most beginning animation students tend to forget their Silhouettes and staging. So I finished my last inclass assignment during that class and here's how it turned out. It's black b/c we were supposed to create strong, readable silhouettes which is very important when it comes to animating...any other artform.

Check back to how I somehow manage to pull off a miracle in finishing my finals.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A list of things to do

I'm in my Rigging class right now, it's a work day with our professor demonstrating advanced facial modeling/rigging if we wanna listen. So, here's things I need to do before the quarters over, which is next week >.<

3D Rigging: My final animation. I can use the provided Rig that I used for my TyraBobo walk, so I think I'm going to do the minimum exercises we're supposed to do if we didn't have a gag or story to tell. It has to be a walk, run, jump and either pick up, throw or dropping an object.

Animation II: My 2nd final animation of the quarter. It's anything we want it to be, could be 3D using Maya or 2D using traditional or Flash or etc. I'm thinking either continue my punch animation and turn it into a combo move or I will attempt to try another lip sync using flash. I also need to do the 3rd InClass Assignment and try and attempt some resubmits with my older animations.

Conceptual Maquettes: My Creature Maquette. I've finally gotten my character turnarounds started and I'm close to finishing them. I need to start on the actual maquette ASAP because it will be a lot of work.

Essentially, I'm trying to divide up my time so I can spend the most amount of it working on my Maquette, which I want to be kick ass. The animations I'm doing for my two animation classes should theoretically be somewhat simple...I think. That way I can get back to my Maquette faster.

Because I felt like it, here's a list of things I wanna do.

1) Make more Maquettes after the Quarter is over. I wanna do a Bust of my character Okami, and a maquette of Velvet from Odin Sphere.
2) Draw for fun. I promised a drawing for my sis of two of the characters from SNK, Iroha and Mina from Samurai Showdown. And I wanna just draw stuff in general.
3) Catch up on Video Games. It's one of the reasons why I'm doing what I'm doing nowadays, but sadly I don't have much time to spend on them anymore. Even though they could be time wasters, but they have given me inspiration and gets me motivated to draw and think creatively. Lately, I've been kinda unmotivated, so yeah I wanna play.

I'm tired, hungry and I want the quarter to be over soon.

Monday, May 19, 2008

3D Rig: Class 17

YES! So my 3D Rig professor said that we could use the provided clown rig for our final animation. I was kinda freaking out and also passing out in class. He mostly went over some techniques in applying deformers to our rigs. So now I just need to work on the animation.

Last two weeks of Spring Quarter

Look, another all nighter at Montgomery. So I've been up working on my 3D Rigging project and it's still not going well. It doesn't work perfectly like a real rig, but I think its sort of animatable, time to make up words. I'm aiming to at least get my rig to around that, and be able to create the required animation that uses our rigs we made. I've been stressing over this just because it's too technical for my tastes.

As for other things at the moment, in Animation II, we were given the weekend to ponder what we wanted to do for our final project...which is anything we want to animate. I'm considering doing a Flash animation again, using the skills I learned in Digital Cel. But from the looks of it, I think I'll stick with 3D since it may be faster to finish b/c I still have work from other classes. It most likely be a continuation of my HYPA PUNCHU, maybe I'll have my guy do a kata or some sort of combo.

For Maquette, I need to finish up my turnarounds ASAP so I can finally get around to building the darn thing. There's more to be expected from this sculpt this time around so I need to get my ass working on this as well.

I can't wait for the quarter to be over, that'll mean I would have finished everything I've just listed here and I can relax! But that's two weeks from now...let's hope I can survive and complete everything by then.

Monday, May 12, 2008


...well, not really. This is what I finished today in my Animation II class. It's my extreme action assignment that's due this Wednesday. I chose to do a punch, and my professor seemingly liked what I did. He told me to stop the rotation of the hips midway so there could be some overlap and push out my arcs. But I like how this turned out.

As for my 3D rig class earlier today, it was mostly a work day. I somehow found answers while working in class to my problems I had the other night, so I'm just going to do my best and get what I can completed.

Before my Maquette Class tomorrow, I need to figure out my creature for real and attempt to create my armature by then.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Catching up

I've gotten a bit lazy at updating, sorry about that. Let's see where I left off.

Currently in 3D Rigging, we're completing the rig skeleton for our models. A lot of my classmates are having trouble with constructing their rigs because a lot of theirs don't work the way they should. I've been having trouble keeping up the pace with the class, I'm still working on building it when most are done. Our professor hopefully wants us all ready for animating our rigs by Monday.

In Animation II, I just finished my subtle animation project last night. I'll upload it at the end of the post. I missed two classes so far, so I'll need to make up some in class assignments, I know one is animating a Line to walk then jump and hit something. The other...I'll find out when I get to class today for critique.

In Conceptual Maquettes, I've gotten my grade for Obi-Wan, a 95, A! Sweet. I'm quite happy about that. We began our 2nd maquette, the Super Hero Version of ourselves and I had to turn that in yesterday for critique. Don't have any pictures of that yet, but I'll probably upload the turnarounds later and photos when I get it back. I felt that the new one shows how much better I've gotten at folds, I'm not the best, but I'm better at it. The 2nd maquette I'm not too proud of, I'm not really finished with it and needs a good level of finish to it and anatomy fixes. I don't feel too bad because almost all of my classmates were also not really done too. We're starting our next Maquette, a fantasy/sci-fi creature that has to be mostly off the ground. So far my idea for that is a Dragon that's based off the Chinese Dragon Dance designs. We'll see how that goes when I actually draw it out.

As for other art related things, I haven't found much time to draw for fun unfortunately. Although I did manage to finish a practice fanart sketch. I'd upload...but you can check it out here, http://inouskei.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Sister-Zhang-Fei-84957861
Other than that, that's about it! I think I'll upload stuff a little later.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Obi-Wan Kenobi Maquette

Finally, here are the photos of my Celebrity Maquette, Obi-Wan Kenobi. There are some finishing touches I would have to do when I get him back, but for what I was able to get done, it's not too bad. The biggest issue my prof had was mostly the thickness of the clothing in general. I should have went a little thinner on the fabric and belt. Also I missed the big poofiness of the sleeves and how they should be straight and weighted compared to my reference. Other than that, I really enjoyed making him, this would be my 3rd real attempt at creating a Maquette and he turned out leaps and bounds better than the first two. Something relaxing when sculpting, its kinda therapeutic in a way.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Straight Ahead

So, in Animation II, we spent the class looking at some animation commercials from some cool companies. The majority of the class we had to do an InClass homework assignment using the Straight Ahead Animation style. It mimics the style used to animate stop motion or puppets, we had to animate every two frames using a Rig that was provided. The requirements were to have the character jump and then point. Concepts learned was the idea of Overlapping animation, which is very important.

I just finished my assignment a min ago, here it is. It needs a lot of work, I've got problems all over the place, but we were supposed to make mistakes on this. He'll critique us next class individually. Anyways class is over now D:

Anzu's Polygon Self

So this is what I worked on earlier today. Polygony....isnt it? Today I turned in my Obi-Wan Maquette and had critique, still gotta post up photos of that. In a few hours I have to head to my 3D Rig class and see what I really need to have done. I should go sleep now... @_@

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Little Red Notebook

This is stuff I've drawn in my little red notebook I carry around with me at all times. It's mostly for when I need to jot something down because my memory is kinda bad, but I also doodle in it and lately I've been doing it a lot. I've also started to play with my Pentel Color Pen Set that I bought so many years ago and never touched til now. I've been using them on my notebook. Anywho, here's the pics!

This is Momo, Anzu's Sista. She's new D:

Drew this for Comparison between the two girls.

This was when I was planning Momo's Design out.

She will usually look like this, but occasionally look like the adult version like the first.


I drew this when my Roomie was looking for a dress D:

Random girl with a random ninja!

Guuurrll and Ryu.

Anzu Action Poses, HYAH!

That's about it for now!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tyra Bobo

So, I finished my walk cycle for my 3D Rig class last night. It was due today and here's how it turned out! Tyra Bobo! (cuz I used an old Victoria Secret Runway show with Tyra Banks as Reference)

As for other work, in Conceptual Maquette, I've started to add the folds to the pants of my Obi-Wan Kenobi Maquette. I've yet to take some shots of WIP for that, but will upload soon. In my Animation II class I've just completed my 3D Emo Ball animation. I'll upload that soon too.

What I need to do now is prepare for the upcoming walk cycle assignment for Animation II, make finalized changes to my Anzu Model and build a skeleton for her in 3D Rig, and finish sculpting my Obi-Wan maquette for Conceptual Maquettes.

Also, lately I've been doodling in my little notepad often and I've been experimenting with some old markers I've had on them. I've developed a new character to add in my Anzu Universe...her sister! Gasp! Her name is Momo and will be soon revealed once I scan those pages in.

Thats about it!


Sunday, April 6, 2008


Calling it a night for now... I'm still here at Monty but I'm not really finished with my Modeling. I had such a hard time modeling her face. Especially the Eyes, which are kinda vital to her character. It doesnt really look like the drawing and I'm just not sure how to model it correctly. This takes up a lot of time...maybe wished I did a simpler character just for Maya. I'm really tired and I need some sleep for tomorrow. I'm going to have to be back here tomorrow to finish everything I need to do for Rigging and Animation II. Meh... =\

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Currently working on...

...this. Guess who, its Anzu! in 3D. Gotta finish modeling this for my 3D Rig class by monday. Been working on my maquette too, I'll upload shots of what I've completed on that later. Back to work.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The first week of the new Quarter...

Here I am, at it again. This Spring Quarter goes as follows:

8am - 10:30am, 3D Character Rigging and Animation
5pm - 7:30pm, Animation II

11am - 1:30pm, Conceptual Maquette Class

I survived my first week of classes so far. In 3D character I'm working towards building a fully rigged model of a character I've created. I'm using Anzu yet again for this project although this will be interesting since I'm still relatively new to modeling and animating in Maya. My Animation II class has just begun animating bouncing balls and working towards an Emotional Ball. I was supposed to take Animation II before 3D character...but my double major causes me to overlap classes unfortunately. Finally my Conceptual Maquette class is starting our Celebrity Maquettes. We have to find reference photos of an actor and sculpt a maquette from those references.

Today, I managed to work on a lot of stuff. I got my "stalker" board completed yesterday, its a big foam core board with all of my reference photos on it. After class, I worked on my character turnarounds that are due for 3D character on Monday. I also worked on my armature when I got home later on in the night. Here's some pics of my progress.

Armature in progress, "Stalker" Board as my professor likes to put it.

Looks nothing like him....yet.

My supplies for Maquette Building.

The finished Armature setup. Yeah arms and legs aren't proportional, but that's so I don't end up with short line while constructing and I can always snip off the metal if it was too long.

But yeah...that's my week.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Class 20: Last Day

So I managed to finish the project, woo! I'm pretty satisfied with the final outcome, although I would have liked to have everything smoother and more animated if I had knew what I really wanted to do before the quarter started and worked all quarter long. I'd like to continue working on this later to really get it completed.

Anywho, here's the piece!

hmm seems like the video is a bit slow...looks better on the real file and the swf.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Progresso Reporto V

In class, I worked on the scenes with Anzu and Jurou and managed to complete most of it. The only things I need to do left are the close up reaction shots of both of them, draw the smoke effect and food and animate it. After that, I'm going to try and add sounds to the animation.

Looks like a lot, but actually I'm quite pleased at where I'm at. You'll see a finished piece by Class 20.

Class 19: Oh crud...

Unlike most, I'm not finished. Still got work to do, as you can see by my previous posts. Not much else to say, because I need to get back to work.

Progress Report IV

I just finished the first scene of Anzu on the roof, animated. If you follow with the storyboards, I finished up to board 19 and I need to finish the rest. Work work work.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Progress Report III

Woo, so now I'm finished with the interior scenes of the restaurant. Everything is animated up to storyboard 14 if you wanna know where I'm at. Now I need to do the rooftop sequence with Anzu and Jurou...yay the fun part.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ahh nooo come back to me my lost hour!!

Daylight Savings sucks ;-;

After waking up and looking at it, I'm also going to go back to the shot of me and my friends and change my hair darker, like my friend to the left. Also going to redo the weird darker brown squiggles behind us. Supposed to be shadows of customers, but I'll fix that real quick.

Lookie lookie what I finished a min ago

So I just finished this scene...animated with Anzu swooping by stealing more food. Going to rest up for now and work on the rest tomorrow. Yes, that's me making a cameo appearance in my own animation and 2 of my buddies. Bowl of Udon, Dragon Roll, and a Beef Bowl...mmm.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What happened to Class 18? Progresso Reporto II

I missed it, crud. Been battling fatigue, but I'm doing my best and have been working on my project. I managed to finish animating the first pair of customers who get their food stolen by Anzu. I'm currently working on the next set of customers. But here are some samples.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Progress Report I

So, I finished two backgrounds, the Exterior and Interior of the Japanese Restaurant. I also began to place rough elements I'm animating that are in those scenes, like the people. I managed to get my opening sequence done, a Fade In to the establishing shot of the Japanese restaurant and Zoom In then Cut to next scene. Thought I'd give ya a sneak peek now.

So I've began to notice after really diving into Flash and coloring/drawing with it, it was kind of tough to use. I couldn't really figure out how to select specific areas to fill in cuz Flash wouldn't let me...which i think is mostly because I don't have a lot of closed sections...hmm answered my own question, would have been helpful earlier.

I also miss certain shortcuts I'm used to doing in Photoshop that I think aren't in Flash, like being able to change my brush size with the [ ] keys. If there is, well crud, haha.

I wish I could work a bit faster, I'm still fumbling around with menus and stuff. I know we did the tutorials and that was supposed to be enough to teach us about Flash, but I guess I didn't really get as deep into Flash with those projects until now. But I think the more I work with Flash this week, I'll find my streamlined work flow.

The backgrounds are a bit scratchy and messy....but I kinda like how it looks. I do however want to try and get a nice clean look to future animations, like the BiteyCastle dude.

If anything I wrote doesn't make sense...its 3:04am and I'm probably hallucinating my bed floating with other soft and fluffy objects...luring me to come sleep...

Think I'll work a little more longer then Ill sleep... ^^;;

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Class 17: Bleh

So I'm tired, whats new? Oh yeah, nothing produced yet again. Get my butt to work...will post at end when something new magically appears. Bleh. Mostly couldn't get work done because of other work in the way...not sure what else to add. Work Work Work!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


As you can tell, I'm not good at scheduling things. I'm down to the week before finals and that's all I've got for time. So here's the basic game plan...

March 1st & 2nd: Work on Backgrounds

March 3rd - 13th: Animate like there's no tomorrow.

It's hard to put my work flow into a nifty chart, all I know is that when I'm given something thats due...I'm gonna get it in on time. I'm cutting it real close, but I should be okay, I'm down to my final projects in my other classes and I'm pretty much finished with my Digital Form Final except for a few tweaks.

So enough blogging and back to working on this project...even though its 1:08am...many many long nights ahead haha.


Yeah, I didn't get to upload these as soon as I thought, but hey here they are at least. They are a bit on the sketchier side...but I have a good idea of what I'm doing now. Hope you like.

Oh yeah, ignore the 2nd row of the first page, the crossed out lines. I didn't like it anymore.

Edit #2: I wanted to change how I do the transition from the interior of the restaurant to the roof shot with anzu eating her loot. I'm going to pan up from the interior of the restaurant after she steals everything and fade out to black and then fade in while still panning up to her eating on the roof. This is so that I can try and make sure the audience know's its on the roof of the restaurant.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Class16: Part Deux

I finished the rough storyboards I needed. Ill try and get the rough storyboards up later today so you can at least check em out. Gonna scan em in and clean it up a bit in Photoshop a bit and then I can post it here. It looks like I have 8 backgrounds, 2 which are the most detailed and the rest are actually really really basic and easy. So it shouldn't be a prob.

Most of what I'm planning on is a lot of Motion tweening for a good amount of the animation until we get to Anzu eating on the roof, thats where some more sophisticated animating will happen. Even then, I'll have some simple motion tweening for certain actions.

Kinda worried...lol but not really. I can do it, I really like what we're doing in this class, I like how this story is going, I just need to get my butt to work hard.

Class 16: Um...

...got nothing for ya other than I'm gonna work on stuff today and it's gonna be cool. I'll update at the end of class like usual if I have anything.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

That new but yet so familiar feeling...

So, in today's class I managed to at least complete my Character Design Turnarounds for Master Jurou. Not much else to say but onto the next part of my work!

Class 15: Wacom Stylus

I feel pretty darn comfortable with it. Feels natural for me to go from pencil to plastic thing to expensive screen thing. In fact, there are times when I wanna trade pencil and paper for a cintiq stuck onto my body somehow...but naaah. If I have any problems with the stylus...it would be that I don't like checking out the stylus every time I come here, mostly because I'm lazy lol. Kinda wish my pen on my Intuos2 would work on the Cintiqs...oh well, take more of my non-existent money Wacom! Noooo!

So, I missed Class 14...which I'll name "Class14: Ninja...VANISH!" in reference to my final for the class. Honestly...I haven't gotten much done, seems like I'm repeating myself in each of these posts, heh. I also haven't really been getting much sleep, I'm jealous of the dude who's sleeping on the couch near the elevators of monty right now. I'll get this done, I will, I promise. And its gonna be cool...or at least decent, heh.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Extra Tidbits

After a few hours...I like how Jurou turned out, so he will have the newest design posted. Here he is next to Anzu for comparison.

Also, I did a little doodle of Anzu over the weekend...I forgot to mention that in the earlier post, but I liked the doodle so much that I colored it and here's how it turned out.