Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Little Red Notebook

This is stuff I've drawn in my little red notebook I carry around with me at all times. It's mostly for when I need to jot something down because my memory is kinda bad, but I also doodle in it and lately I've been doing it a lot. I've also started to play with my Pentel Color Pen Set that I bought so many years ago and never touched til now. I've been using them on my notebook. Anywho, here's the pics!

This is Momo, Anzu's Sista. She's new D:

Drew this for Comparison between the two girls.

This was when I was planning Momo's Design out.

She will usually look like this, but occasionally look like the adult version like the first.


I drew this when my Roomie was looking for a dress D:

Random girl with a random ninja!

Guuurrll and Ryu.

Anzu Action Poses, HYAH!

That's about it for now!

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