Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dizuni's Status Reporto: 09-30-2008

So far, classes have been going okay. Yesterday in Web Comics class, my professor liked my only statement for my Journal web comic and it was well received in class when I presented it. It gave me some confidence that this will be a good thing. Essentially the Journal web comic will be essentially what this website is for me, in web comic form…and updated regularly ^^;; Here’s the statement.

WHAT I’m the only web comic creator
HOW that consistently produces journal comics about my life in art school
WHO for those who wished they could have gone to one
WHERE in English speaking countries
WHY in order to explore the issues, experiences and lifestyles of art students through my eyes
WHEN in a time when people are asking themselves, “What if?”

We’ll be learning how to use Dreamweaver CS3 and pretty soon, my web comics will be up for all of you to enjoy.

As for Senior Project, I’ve gotten a few scenes keyframed already and Scene 11 is completely keyframed and tweened. I’m not as far along as I had hoped, but I’ve got buffer days to help with the down time. I’ll be picking up the pace so I don’t fall behind.

In Acting for Animators, I’ve recently met up with my voice actress to record my monologue selection to use for my voice over animation. I used the line, “It is like trying to pick a lock with a wet herring.” from Shakespeare in Love. Near the end of the quarter, I’ll have that animation completed since that’s one of the major projects for that class. I also have to perform my selected monologue piece myself, so we’ve been thumbnailing movements for our performances as well. I’m kind of nervous about it, because I’d have to perform lines, which isn’t something I like to do. I rather just do my acting through my animations, not me personally, heh.

Other than that, that’s what has been up with me.

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