Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Catching up

I've gotten a bit lazy at updating, sorry about that. Let's see where I left off.

Currently in 3D Rigging, we're completing the rig skeleton for our models. A lot of my classmates are having trouble with constructing their rigs because a lot of theirs don't work the way they should. I've been having trouble keeping up the pace with the class, I'm still working on building it when most are done. Our professor hopefully wants us all ready for animating our rigs by Monday.

In Animation II, I just finished my subtle animation project last night. I'll upload it at the end of the post. I missed two classes so far, so I'll need to make up some in class assignments, I know one is animating a Line to walk then jump and hit something. The other...I'll find out when I get to class today for critique.

In Conceptual Maquettes, I've gotten my grade for Obi-Wan, a 95, A! Sweet. I'm quite happy about that. We began our 2nd maquette, the Super Hero Version of ourselves and I had to turn that in yesterday for critique. Don't have any pictures of that yet, but I'll probably upload the turnarounds later and photos when I get it back. I felt that the new one shows how much better I've gotten at folds, I'm not the best, but I'm better at it. The 2nd maquette I'm not too proud of, I'm not really finished with it and needs a good level of finish to it and anatomy fixes. I don't feel too bad because almost all of my classmates were also not really done too. We're starting our next Maquette, a fantasy/sci-fi creature that has to be mostly off the ground. So far my idea for that is a Dragon that's based off the Chinese Dragon Dance designs. We'll see how that goes when I actually draw it out.

As for other art related things, I haven't found much time to draw for fun unfortunately. Although I did manage to finish a practice fanart sketch. I'd upload...but you can check it out here,
Other than that, that's about it! I think I'll upload stuff a little later.

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